Funny Motivational speakers
Serious subjects
Delivered with a dose of laughter

You want to add laughter but still inspire and make people think.
Have you thought about a hiring a funny speaker, who talks about serious subjects?
If so, you've come to the right place!
Here's a small sample of the types of subjects our speakers talk about
Dave Chawner
Dave is a number 1 best selling author, award-winning stand up and mental health campaigner. He’s presented for BBC's Tomorrow's World and has appeared on BBC, ITV & Channel 4 on such shows as BBC Breakfast, Lorraine, Loose Women, The Jeremy Vine Show, Morning Live and is a regular on Good Morning Britain as well as appearances on Radio 1, Radio 2 & Radio 4.
Synopsis 1 - Men's Mental Health - Using his own experience Dave delivers an upbeat talk focussing on how to spot the signs of mental ill health and provides information on what to do including signposting and hints, tips and ideas to make the conversation easier.
Synopsis 2 - Eating Disorders - as someone who's had anorexia, Dave sensitively uses humour in order to explain what it's like living with an eating disorder and provides pragmatic solutions on what to do to support someone in a similar situation.

Anne, you are ok, but what about Bella Hadid, Beyonce or Taylor Swift? As a middle aged, overweight, menopausal lady .. I’m not the most likely candidate to achieve such an accolade, but who decides anyway.
Through this funny speech, Anne explores how our beliefs shape our life and how often we don’t even know what we belief and why. And yet, it impacts on our health, wellbeing and happiness. And you can chose right now to change what you believe and discover how different you will feel. You too, can become the most beautiful woman in the world or the most handsome man in the room. The only thing that limits what we can be or do, is our own thoughts.
Categories: Well Being, Personal transformation,
The day I became the most beautiful woman in the World.

Whether a manager at work or a parent at home, how we behave has such a huge impact on how others around us think and feel. And often we are totally unaware of what we are doing and why. In this funny speech, Anne explores different behaviours and how they impact on others.
Categories: Well Being, Personal transformation, Leadership
What type of leader are you?
Why won't they change?
Leading change and transformation can be difficult. As human beings, we get stuck in the familiar, patterns, habits, ways of working. That’s what we are working with, leading people out of the familiar and changing thoughts, feelings and behaviours that they may not even be aware of. In this funny and endearing speech, Anne talks about simple things you can do that help people feel safe, secure and open to change.
Categories: Well Being, Leadership

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